The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are the successor to the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) established in 2001, and are international goals for a sustainable and better world by 2030, as stated in the “2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” adopted unanimously by the member states at the UN Summit in September 2015. It consists of 17 goals and 169 targets, and pledges to “leave no one behind” on the planet. The SDGs are universal, not only for developing countries, but also for developed countries themselves, and Japan is actively involved in the SDGs.
HALVO Holdings Co., Ltd. supports the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals)
proposed by the United Nations and will make various efforts to achieve the SDGs.
We contribute to regional development through water.
In countries where more than 90% of households have improved access to water, the average GDP per capita exceeds $10,000 to $15,000. Countries with higher low-income populations tend to have higher rates of inaccessibility to safe water environments*. Improving the water environment leads to economic development in the region.
* Access to improved water sources increases with income
We increase learning time by improving our water environment.
In areas where the water environment is not well developed, children and women still have to go to distant places to fetch water. Creating an environment where water is readily available will increase children’s learning time.
We contribute to a healthy and hygienic environment by providing safe water.
There are many people in the world who live their lives drinking river water or well water as it is. Even if the water is clear, it may contain heavy metals such as arsenic, leading to health hazards. By using our group’s coagulant, you can easily treat water and obtain safe water. By providing safe water treatment technology, we contribute to the control of health hazards.
Initiatives of HALVO Holdings
A portion of the proceeds from the sale of drinking water to developing countries.
For the purchase of one WATAB, 750 liters (the amount of drinking water needed by one person for one year) will be supported by our purification technology. This project will be implemented in India together with Save the Children.